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Trump vs Biden: Debate EXPOSES How Much The US President Impacts the Economy

In this excerpt from SOSCAST, Adam is joined by a group of seasoned financial experts to discuss the ...View More

Towards the heliogenic civilisation | Thomas Schindler | TEDxBerlinSalon

Could we - humanity - tap into the power of the most successful economy on our planet - nature - and ...View More

Why U.S. Cities Are Going Broke

Spending cuts are abound in many U.S. cities as inflation lingers and pandemic-era stimulus dries up ...View More

Le Moyen Age 2.0 | Tania Sollogoub | TEDxLaBaule

Tania Sollogoub nous amène à réfléchir sur la mondialisation et ses méfaits, notamment sur nos modes ...View More

Navigating the Future Fabric of American Society  | Jagdish Sheth | TEDxEmory

Dr Jadish Sheth's speech delves into the impact of changing demographics on the American societal la ...View More

Why we need property rights now more than ever | Christopher Hartwell | TEDxZHAW

Christopher Hartwell forcefully argues why establishing propertry rights around the world is essenti ...View More

Unlocking the Key to Prosperity | Jorge Guerra | TEDxColumbusHS

Jorge Guerra, president and CEO of Real Estate Sales Force (RESF) delivers a thought-provoking TEDx  ...View More

Territórios criativos transformam comunidades | Carol Biberg | TEDxUnisinos Salon

No TEDxUnisinos Salon, Carol Biberg falou sobre a importância do incentivo à economia criativa para  ...View More

Imagine technological innovation in developing economies | Rajan Sudesh Ratna | TEDxFORESchool

In South Asia, only 18% of firms have female ownership, with low female labor force participation. R ...View More

Is this the way we should think about crypto? | Tyler Cowen

Tyler Cowen is an American economist, academic, and writer, known for his broad spectrum of interest ...View More

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